There are important applications involving radiation from
gases containing suspensions of various types of particles. An example is ash
particles in pulverized coal flames [Viskanta and Mengüc (1987), Im and
Ahluwalia (1993)]. The particles can radiate in the regions between the gas
bands, so radiation is important over a more continuous spectral region than for
the radiating gas alone. In Viskanta and Mengüc it is discussed that the complex
refractive index for fly ash ranges from about
= 1.43 – i0.307 to 1.5 – i0.005.
When the imaginary part is small the particles are acting as a nonabsorbing
dielectric. Detailed values for the complex refractive index for char and ash
particles are in Im and Ahluwalia in graphical form as a function of wave
number. Char and ash particles also scatter radiation. The scattering albedo of
gas-char and gas-ash mixtures exceeded 0.9 in the near-visible spectral region,
and was larger than 0.5 at all wave numbers. The radiative properties of fused
and/or sintered slag and ash deposits were measured in Markham et al. (1992).
Fused slag deposits were found to have a high spectral emittance ≥ 0.9 over a
wide temperature range; the measurements included both solid and molten slag.
Deposits of sintered fly ash consisted of finely packed particles. Their
spectral emittance varied appreciably with wave number, and scattering was
significant. A curve-fitting method to approximate Mie theory was used in Caldas
and Semião (1999) to predict behavior for soot, carbon particles, and fly ash;
the method reduced computation time considerably.
Another example is the luminosity in the exhaust plume of
solid-fueled and some liquid-fueled rockets. For a solid fuel the luminosity may
be caused by metal particles added to promote combustion stability. Williams and
Dudley (1970) present calculations for a rocket exhaust with entrained liquid
aluminum oxide particles. Edwards et al. (1987, 1990) modeled the radiation from
a solid rocket motor plume with two groups of particles. The very small
particles cool rapidly and are assumed to be cold and scattering. The large
particles that remain hot are emitting and absorbing. The calculations in
Tabanfar and Modest (1983) demonstrate the combination of radiating particles
and gases where all constituents have spectrally dependent properties. Radiation
by a cylindrical region at uniform temperature was analyzed in Thynell (1990)
for either CO2 or H2O gas containing soot and gray
particles. The absorption of the nongray gas was obtained from the exponential
wide-band model. The absorption coefficient of the soot was inversely
proportional to wavelength, and the scattering from the gray particles had an
anisotropic component. Experiments were performed in Skocypek et al. (1987) with
a heated mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and particles of BNi-2, a boron
nickel alloy. The particulate scattering increased radiation in the wings of the
4.3-μm CO2 band. Experiments in Walters and Buckius (1991)
show the effect of highly scattering A12O3 particles in CO2
gas. The radiative behavior of lycopodium particles during combustion in air is
considered in Berlad et al. (1991).
The presence of particles in an otherwise weakly absorbing
medium can cause the mixture to be strongly absorbing. Seeding of a gas
with particles, such as finely divided carbon, can increase gas absorption and
heating by incident radiation [Lanzo and Ragsdale (1964)], or the particles can
shield a surface from incident radiation [Howell and Renkel (1965), Siegel
(1976), Lee et al. (1984)]. These techniques have possible application in
advanced energy systems and for the collection of solar energy [Abdelrahman et
al. (1979)].
Another use for seeding is in the direct determination of
flame temperatures for a nonluminous flame by the line-reversal
technique. In this method, a seeding material such as a sodium or cadmium
salt is introduced into an otherwise transparent flame. These materials produce
a strong spectral line in the visible spectrum because of an electronic
transition; cadmium gives a red line and sodium a bright yellow line. A
spectrally continuous radiation source is placed so that it may be viewed
through the seeded flame with a spectroscope. The intensity seen in the
spectroscope at the line wavelength is [Eq. (10-15)],
If the flame is isothermal, of diameter D, and no
attenuation occurs along the remainder of the path between the continuous source
and the spectroscope, (D-31) becomes, as in (10-56),
. In the wavelength region adjacent to the absorbing and
emitting spectral line, the flame is essentially transparent, so the background
radiation observed adjacent to the line is
. By subtracting
from (D-32), the line intensity relative to the
adjacent background is
If the flame is at a higher temperature than the continuous
source, (D-33) shows that the line intensity in the spectroscope will be greater
than the continuous background intensity. The line will appear as a bright line
imposed upon a less bright continuous spectrum. Increasing the temperature of
the continuous source causes the source term to override. The line then appears
as a dark line on a brighter continuous spectrum. If the continuous source is a
blackbody and its temperature is made equal to the flame temperature,
, and (D-33) reduces to
. The line then disappears into the continuum in the
spectroscope because absorption by the flame and flame emission exactly
compensate. If the continuous source is a tungsten lamp, the source temperature
measurement is usually made with an optical pyrometer.
In the derivation of (D-33) it was assumed that the flame is
transparent except within the spectral line produced by the cadmium or sodium
seeding. If soot is in the flame, the soot particles emit the scatter radiation
in a continuous spectrum along the path of the incident beam. The line-reversal
technique is of less utility in this instance, as it then depends on the soot
behavior. The effect of soot is analyzed in Thomas (1968). An analysis in
Dembele and Wen (2000) includes nonisothermal constituents, variable
concentrations, and soot particles including scattering. Gaseous combustion
products H2O, CO2, and CO are included. Spectral property
variations are incorporated by using the c-k method in Sec. 9-3.3.
Submerged combustion, in which a flame is maintained within a
porous solid matrix, is reviewed in Howell et al. (1996) for premixed gaseous
fuels and in Tseng and Howell (1996) for liquid fuels. These burners combine
radiative, conductive, and convective heat transfer, and combustion chemistry.
Recent work is reviewed in Schoegl and Ellzey (2007) and Dixon et al. (2008). |